
Booking terms

Unless otherwise agreed in writing in offers and/ or confirmations the following terms and conditions shall apply. Please note that other conditions apply to bookings of transport such as bus/coach, airline tickets and trains. For customers booking package tours for other purposes than individual use, such as booking a conference, the terms and conditions of the act of package tours are not applicable. Read more about the Act on Package tours (in Swedish) here.



The Customer is the natural or juridical person who is liable for paying for the booking. Fjällkonferens is referred to as the Company.


Data from the Customer

No later than 61 days prior to the conference the Customer shall inform the Company about the number of participants. For conferences where accommodation is included the information shall also state the names of the participants and the distribution of accommodation. At the same point in time the Customer shall describe the programme for the conference together with the conference facilities needed. The programme shall include the hours for meals and coffee breaks.


Cancellation/amendments (for larger groups than 100 persons)

Any cancellations or amendments shall be made in writing.

1) Cancellations made 91-120 days prior to arrival are subject to a fixed fee of 25% of the value of the accommodation, however not less than 300 SEK per person exclusive of VAT.

2) In the case of cancellations made 0-90 days prior to arrival the full amount (100%) of the booking is payable. However, some meals and activities (but not accommodation and special arrangements) can be reduced by up to 10% of the number of participants up to 30 days prior to the arrival date.



1) 75% of the total value of the booking shall be paid in advance to reach the Company no later than 70 days prior to the arrival date. Payment shall be made against invoice.

2) The remainder of the conference facilities booked are payable in arrears, against invoice. The Customer shall effect payment in full within ten days of the date of the invoice. If the Customer fails to pay on time, the Company has the right to charge interest for late payment at the prevailing base rate + 8% from the due date. The Customer is liable to pay all the accumulated costs for the booking. In case the participants shall pay individually for items, the Customer shall inform the Company thereof. Should participant(s) not take part in meals or activities booked this will not entitle the Customer to any reductions in the costs.


Price changes

Should the costs for delivering in accordance with the booking be increased due to raised taxes, VAT, devaluation, decisions made by public authorities or similar circumstances, the Company is entitled to charge a surcharge that corresponds to the increased costs. The Company shall inform the Customer without delay of the surcharge.


Force majeure

Strike, boycott, fire, substantial restrictions in deliveries or other circumstances beyond the control of the Company entitle the Company to cancel the booking without any liability to pay compensation.


Valuable property/damages

1) In case the purchaser wishes to bring any property of high value for the conference and furthermore wishes to deposit the same in the Company’s storage space, luggage room or safety box, the Customer must inform the Company hereof. In case of theft or similar, the Company is only liable to compensate the Customer for the full value of such property when the Company, in writing, has confirmed responsibility for such property.

2) The Customer is responsible for damages caused through neglect by the Customer or the conference participants.



Jag heter Caroline och jag hjälper dig gärna att pussla ihop din konferens

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